How to restore a jailbroken iPhone to the original iOS 9.3.3 version ?

How to use 3uTools Jailbreak?

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Jacob Black
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Joined: 27 Jul 2016 14:51
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How to restore a jailbroken iPhone to the original iOS 9.3.3 version ?

Postby Jacob Black » 11 Aug 2016 14:59

Since iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak tool was released by PanGu, a lot of Apple users could not help to experience it. However, some of them want to restore iPhone to the original iOS 9.3.3 version after jailbreak. Can we restore a jailbroken iPhone to the original iOS 9.3.3 in an easy way? This tutorial aims to introduce two methods for you to restore iPhone to the original iOS 9.3.3 version, for example, restarting iPhone and using 3uTools to flash your iPhone.

Method one: Please restart your iPhone.
Please restart your iPhone to set your iPhone in unjailbroken mode.
You can freely switch your iPhone between jailbroken mode and unjailbroken mode.

Method two: Using 3uTools to flash your iPhone.
Warm prompt: You can use 3uTools to flash your iPhone to iOS 9.3.3 or other available iOS versions.
Step1: Download and install the latest 3uTools on your PC. Connect your iPhone to PC using the USB cable. After it’s connected, please click the button “Flash Jailbreak”, and then click the button “Easy flash”. Next, 3uTools will automatically show you the available firmware. (If 3uTools gives you a reminder that “Connection Timeout”, you need to set your iPhone in Recovery mode or DFU mode. And after it’s connected, 3uTools will automatically show you the available firmware. )


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