Confero2: Easier to Manage Apps Notifications

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Jacob Black
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Confero2: Easier to Manage Apps Notifications

Postby Jacob Black » 18 Apr 2017 14:49

If you have an iPhone, then you’re no stranger to notifications. In fact, if you have a lot of friends and use a lot of different kinds of apps, then you probably get flooded with notifications from day to day. These notifications clutter up your Home screen with badges, which aren’t exactly the prettiest things in the world to see.

A jailbreak tweak dubbed Confero 2 by AtomDevTeam lets you clean things up by grouping all your apps with missed notification badges into a convenient little box that can be invoked from anywhere. It also provides new notification badge theming options that are much nicer to look at.

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Once you install Confero 2, you’ll find a new icon in the Status Bar that, when tapped, displays all apps that have unread badge notifications waiting for your attention. You can swipe up on apps from this interface to clear the notification badges on a per-app basis, or you can swipe down on them to reveal what the notification is and interact with it.

Confero 2 also comes with notification badge theming options, which will be a sight for sore eyes to anyone who hates seeing the little red badges staring back at them from their Home screen.

As you can see, the themes for the badges are still noticeable, but subtler in how they present themselves such that they don’t distract you from your wallpaper and other Home screen elements. These are known as indeterminate badges.

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Re: Confero2: Easier to Manage Apps Notifications

Postby Punot1992 » 09 Jul 2018 13:33


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Re: Confero2: Easier to Manage Apps Notifications

Postby Johnamaro » 16 Sep 2020 19:42

Thank you very much. I was looking for this information. I am using WhatsApp mode app and I did not understand at all how to Manage this mod app notification.

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