How to Schedule Text Messages on iPhone With These Cydia Tweaks?

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Grace Liu
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How to Schedule Text Messages on iPhone With These Cydia Tweaks?

Postby Grace Liu » 24 Feb 2017 16:40

Here, I’ll be talking about two of the most popular Cydia tweaks under the Messaging category. Their sole purpose is to help you become a “photographic memory” person when you aren’t. These jailbreak tweaks contribute to automating your text messages by sending the SMS at a chosen time and date.

1. Programmable SMS
The first tweak is called Programmable SMS, if you’ve been in the jailbreak scenes for a long time, you know that this tweak isn’t well-known. It was recently released due to the outdated version of biteSMS, which we’ll mention later on.

What it does is allowing you to schedule text messages on your iPhone. This tweak works in close collaboration with Ryan Petrich’s Activator to set things up behind the curtain.

Getting started
1) Install Programmable SMS from the BigBoss repo
2) Launch Settings > Programmable SMS > Enable
3) Tap SMS Activator
4) Draft a text message and assign a contact to it
5) Before you Save, turn on Auto-Disable
programmable-sms-tweak-2.jpg (27.24 KiB) Viewed 118046 times

You’re not done yet. This is half of the process. Open the Activator app from your home screen. Navigate to Anywhere > Build > Scheduled. Set up a future date and time, then go back to the main page of Activator. Now, choose the time you setup earlier and pick the text message you created in Step 4.
programmable-sms-tweak1.jpg (23.24 KiB) Viewed 118046 times

2. biteSMS
Alternatively, if your iPhone or iPad is running a firmware that is on iOS 7 or lower, I suggest biteSMS. Why? This tweak has a Schedule mode right in the stock Messages app. As a result, you don’t have to set things up and switch between different apps. Besides being outdated, another disadvantage from biteSMS is that it’s not free (costs $8).
bitesms.png (44.36 KiB) Viewed 118046 times

Here is how to schedule a text message using biteSMS.
1. Compose a text message
2. Instead of tapping Send, choose the Clock icon
3. Pick your own scheduling details

Isn’t it easy?

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Re: How to Schedule Text Messages on iPhone With These Cydia Tweaks?

Postby Legran01 » 26 Jun 2019 18:21

This is useful information regarding the scheduled text messaging system. I run an online e-commerce store so sending messages to customers is a daily aspect of my business. So I have hired an expert business texting service to help me manage a scheduled messaging system because it is much more convenient and time-saving.

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