Woz says Apple, Google and Facebook will be around in 2075

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Woz says Apple, Google and Facebook will be around in 2075

Postby kristine » 17 Apr 2017 11:08

Commentary: Offering his predictions for the future, the Apple co-founder has faith in tech's big three.

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Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

I always thought that disruption thing would accelerate the pace of change.

Steve Wozniak, however, seems to think that certain behemoths will dominate the world for many, many years.

In an interview with USA Today, the Apple co-founder offered his prediction for 2075. This was to coincide with next weekend's Silicon Valley Comic-Con, whose theme is "The Future of Humanity: Where Will We Be in 2075?"

"Apple will be around a long time, like IBM," said Woz. "Look at Apple's cash. It can invest in anything. It would be ridiculous to not expect them to be around [in 2075]. The same goes for Google and Facebook."

Yes, IBM has been around since 1911. Does this mean, though, that it's now a better, more important company?

And how sad it might be to consider a robotically re-animated Mark Zuckerberg still leading the United States of Facebook, as it marches toward the 22nd century.

Still, Woz insisted that the great new cities will be built in the desert. People will live in domed structures and wear special suits to go outside. That sounds like even more fun than Vegas.

Woz also sees a death of doctors, as humans use artificial intelligence to diagnose themselves. That's enough to make my brain ache. And what will happen to "Gray's Anatomy"?

There will also be a Mars colony, but Woz doesn't seem sure whether we'll have encountered aliens by 2075. He said it was worth trying to communicate with them, "but I don't have high hopes." I feel the same about many humans in the tech world.

Moreover, how can one envisage the continued glory of Apple, Google and Facebook when -- if you believe Google director of engineering Ray Kurzweil -- we'll all be godlike half-robots?

Will half-robots be as charmed by iPhones as total humans are?

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