How to Backup and Upload SHSH Blobs Using 3uTools?

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Jacob Black
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How to Backup and Upload SHSH Blobs Using 3uTools?

Postby Jacob Black » 03 Aug 2016 14:54

This tutorial is majorly about how to backup SHSH blobs and upload the local SHSH blobs.SHSH is the key to restoring, downgrading and upgrading iOS devices. The iPhone 4 with SHSH file backups can be downgraded to any compatible iOS version using 3uTools.

*Please note the benefits of backuping SHSH via 3uTools:
a.) 3uTools can store the SHSH on its cloud server so that you can get it back easily later.
b.) As to the iOS firmware versions below iOS7.0, it’s not required to care about Apple’s closing the firmware signing; you can still “backup SHSH from device” even though the Apple has stopped the firmware signing.


1. An introduction to SHSH

What is SHSH?
SHSH is short for Signature HaSH blobs. SHSH is a certificate which can be used to verify the legitimacy of restoring iOS firmware via iTunes. During the processes of upgrading and restoring the iOS firmware versions, iTunes sends the device’s ECID to the Apple’s authentication server, and applies for the SHSH upgrading/restoring this firmware version; and then the Apple will send a SHSH file in relation to the ECID to iTunes via Apple’s authentication server, so that the iTunes can continue the particular iOS firmware upgrading/restoring successfully. Let’s cite an example: SHSH is a coded key, and you need the particular SHSH file to get the access of flashing the firmware version.

If you want to view more details, please click the original post: ... shsh-blobs

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