3u Team issues 3uTools V2.10 for our users on 20th,Mar,2017

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3u Team issues 3uTools V2.10 for our users on 20th,Mar,2017

Postby kristine » 21 Mar 2017 15:18

3u Team issues 3uTools V2.10 for our users on 20th,Mar,2017, in this version we mainly optimized performance and stability for 3uTools. We also fixed some bugs in Flash, added some little features in Toolbox, you may check update log to see more detail on our website.

V2.10.png (203.2 KiB) Viewed 182312 times

new.png (61.13 KiB) Viewed 182312 times

Mainly Updates:

1. Support turning off iOS update notifications & pre-download the update files
2. Optimize files import and export
3. Improve performance and stability of Multiple Flash
4. Fix a bug that may cause some iDevices stuck in DFU Mode after flash or can't be flashed
5. Fix some bugs

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